- Orthopedics and Trauma Energency County Hospital Saint Spiridon Iasi Romania
- Magnetic materials and Nano sensors National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics
- REGENERO Romanian Regenerative Medicine Association
Dr Luminita Labusca is a medical doctor, consultant in orthopedics and traumatology, master in Educational Sciences and PhD in regenerative medicine. Dr Labusca is an active orthopedic consultant involved in developing regenerative therapies for musculoskeletal applications, and scientist actively contributing to basic science and transaltional research in the fiel of stem cells, nanobiomaterials and nanosensors for biomedical applications.
Dr Labusca authored publications in peer reviewed journals as well as books in the field of orthopedics, medical ethics, stem cell biology, regenerative medicine, editted special issue of international peer reviewed journal on the topic of advanced technologies for orthopedic research.
Dr Labusca is a founding member of REGENERO, Romanian medicine association whose major goals is to facilitate professional and patient education in the field of regenerative medicine science and practice, to contribute to basic and clinical research in the field to establish worldwide collaboration with similar organizations and professional boards.