Bone Regeneration and Joint Replacement
Mr Tosan Okoro attended medical school at the University of Warwick and did his core surgical training in the West Midlands Deanery. He was subsequently appointed as a Wales Clinical Academic Trainee (WCAT) in trauma and orthopaedics. His PhD at Bangor University was focused on exercise rehabilitation following total hip arthroplasty, with subsequent higher orthopaedic specialist clinical training across south Wales. Mr. Okoro is a graduate of the British Orthopaedic Association (BOA) National Future Leaders Programme (class of 2018) and has a Level 7 certificate in strategic management and leadership.
Mr. Okoro recently completed a lower limb reconstruction fellowship at the Sunnybrook Holland Orthopaedic and Arthritic centre in Toronto, Canada (August 2018-August 2019). He has also completed an AOTrauma Fellowship at the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina (University of Sao Paolo, USP) de Ribeirão Preto, Brazil (May 2017); a Stephan Perren AOTrauma Research Fellowship at the Charite Hospital in Berlin (September 2019); and a BOA Travelling Fellowship at the Hamburg Endo-Klinik in Germany (May 2016). Whilst in North America, he visited the arthroplasty unit at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota (April 2019).
Mr. Okoro is well published in peer-reviewed research journals (see below). His current research interests are varied and include the assessment of patient reported outcomes measures in ambulatory trauma, surgeon volumes in arthroplasty, and the biomechanics of fracture fixation.
Mr Okoro is a clinical supervisor to Registrars on the Oswestry / Stoke orthopaedic rotation and also teaches on a number of educational courses.
In his spare time, he enjoys cycling, travelling, and movies.